TEAR BEAR SAYS “It’s Ok to Tell"
Trust CoinThe Trust Coin is an attractive, eye-catching design that will serve as a communicator, and once displayed, the person is given the coin. Will be required to give their undivided attention and listen.
About Trust Coins
Trust Coin can be used
- To Build the family trust bond and give the child, empowerment to tell about secrets rather good or bad.
- To help with couples that may believe they are not being heard by their spouse, mate, or partner.
- To help empower everyone to report
abuse to the proper authority.
- To report unreported bullying to the proper authorities.
"It's OK to tell"
Tear Bear Inc. is a Columbus, Ohio-based company stated by child abuse survivor Theresa Johnson who is dedicated to breaking the code of secrecy relating to all abuse.
By disarming the abuser’s weapon of secrecy, “IT’S OK TO TELL” will prevent, educate, and help those seeking counseling for the abused as well as the abuser.
This will lead to awareness organizations becoming more empowered, foster cares more educated, nursing homes monitored more closely, schools more alert, and most of all leaving our children with the openness and awareness for a better and more secure future.
Tear Bear’s Mission
Tear Bear is a Columbus, Ohio, based company started by child abuse survivor Theresa Johnson who is dedicated to breaking the code of secrecy relating to all abuse. By disarming the abuser’s weapon of secrecy. The Tear Bear Inc, an nonprofit organization will prevent, educate, and help those seek counseling for the abused as well as the abuser. This will lead to awareness organizations becoming more empowered, foster cares more educated, nursing homes monitored more closely, schools more alert, and most of all leaving our children with the openness and awareness for a better and more secure future.